A documentary on LGBT bullying in America’s schools, narrated by Lily Tomlin and featuring the mother of a teen who killed himself, will screen next month at Hollywood’s Sunset Gower Studios.
Teach Your Children Well explores the issue of bullying and violence against LGBT children. Wendy Walsh, the California mother of 13-year-old Seth, who committed suicide in 2010 as a result of bullying, appears in the film.
Tomlin says she got involved with the documentary because she personally saw the effects of bullying.
“I had a brother who was the object of tremendous harassment and intolerance, and he really suffered as a teenager, because of it,” Tomlin said in a release. “I’m proud to be a part of this film. I hope it will educate people to, as the title says, ‘teach your children well,’ and maybe eradicate this kind of prejudice.”
Teach Your Children Well will screen at the Sunset Gower Studios October 16 as part of Kat Kramer’s Films That Change the World, a series that highlights socially relevant films. The movie will then screen in November at the Indianapolis LGBT Film Festival. Click here for more information on the movie.