Charming film ‘Turnover’ a loving look at diversity at Regency Theatres in Van Nuys
Kat Kramer, Daniel Hoffman and Paul Guilfoyle star in “Turnover” now playing at Regency Theatres, 7876 Van Nuys Blvd., Van Nuys. Photo by Sheri Determan

The indie film Turnover is a refreshing lesson in understanding and inclusion.
When café owner Peter (Paul Guilfoyle) is told by his doctor to slow down, he reluctantly takes a vacation, entrusting his business to the manager, Henry (Riker Lynch). But Henry has an agenda to sabotage Peter’s precious French café, by hiring what he considers a band of misfits. When Peter returns from his de-stress vacation, he is alarmed to see what Henry has done, and wants to give up. But gradually he realizes these are hardworking, loyal people who ultimately become his “family.”
Directed by Linda Palmer and written by Palmer and Laree D. Griffith, Turnover has a predominately female crew and production staff. The film has been nominated for 24 prestigious film festival awards, winning eight, including Best Supporting Actress for Kat Kramer at the Love International Film Festival. Her portrayal of Fran, Peter’s ex-wife, “the woman you love to hate’” is flawless. From bitchy ex-wife, to loving mother, to vulnerable fiancée, Kramer exhibits many colors of the character. We believe that she considers her actions to be righteous. Brava!
All of the actors are top-notch, and the film is beautifully written with humor and tenderness. It is a great family film, with no cursing and no violence. (Okay, there was the fight in the restaurant…) The cast includes real people with real disabilities, including deafness and Down Syndrome. It would make for a terrific television series, which the ensemble envisions.
“Turnover” is screening at Regency Theatres in Van Nuys. Check the website for show times.