Angelia Jolie made her debut as a director in the movie ‘Land of Blood and Honey’ which is all about the war in Bosnia. The Producers Guild of America has chosen to recognize her work in this movie with the 2012 Stanley Kramer award. This annual award was started in 2002 in honor of the renowned director Stanley Kramer of ‘Caine Mutiny’ fame and is given to a movie which deals with a social theme.
The story is about love between a Serb man and a Muslim woman in the 1992-1995 period before the Bosnian war. Late they meet again under different circumstances – he is now an officer in the army and she is a detainee under him.
It would be opening in the USA on 23rd December 2011 and would, therefore, be eligible for Oscar award nominations.
Land of Blood and Honey